The Establishment of the Lawrenceburg Rotary Club: August 19, 1947

By Neal Beard


There was a distinct buzz in the air during the first half of ‘47. It had begun shortly before Christmas past and was gaining in volume every day. Neither the bees of spring nor the pesky flies and mosquitoes of summer were the culprits. The buzz was much louder than that! It was coming from the muted whispers of men sitting around the tables at the local diners and coffee houses, from the matter-of-fact gossip circulating in the local barber shops, and from the unguarded conversations leaking from the open office windows of business owners and civic leaders in every corner of town. Someone, it was said, was trying to start a new Rotary Club.  Even the Lions heard it!


The Lions Club immediately went on an aggressive membership prowl looking for new Lions to add to the pride—and they found plenty of them. By the 15th of February, they had added fifty new members. That made 102 Lions and that would be fifty less that this new-fangled Rotary Club wouldn’t get—if they could even get anyone at all. The prophet, Daniel, hadn’t faced that many lions when Darius threw him into the den.


Oral tradition has it that Harold Nance and Hiram Holtsford approached the Pulaski Rotary Club first asking for their help in starting a new chapter in Lawrenceburg. Some old timers, on the other hand, suggest that Rotarians from the Pulaski Club were the ones who approached Harold and Hiram. But regardless of who contacted whom first, an idea was firmly set in motion and an aggressive campaign was begun to recruit other like-minded men to join.


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Minutes of the Rotary Club of Lawrenceburg



 The first meeting for the purpose of organizing the Lawrenceburg Rotary Club was held on August 19, 1947.


 The first meeting was held at the Lawrenceburg Hotel in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, being present at this meeting the following gentlemen representing two clubs.


 From Pulaski, we had Bruce Farley, David Wade, Jr., and Buck Holt and representing the Lewisburg club were Bob McBride, Jr., Joe Gordon, J. Lee Moss, Monroe Carter, Nat K.Reiney and also were present the following gentlemen who later became charter members.


 Those present were, E. I. Elder, G. A. Dugger, Harry Berman, Wendell Coffey, Charles Freeman, Jr., Wilson Warren, H. H. Warren, F. F. Locke, W. L. Gladish, Jr., Hiram Holsford, J. Robert Hood, H. A. Hollander, Floyd Bloom, Harold Nance, A. G. Buckner, W. O. Crowder, Jr., P. E. Hickman, John Craft, Mack Rutherford, Ben Smith and Buddy Richardson.


 After a nice talk and complete information about the Rotary International by Bob McBride, and upon his suggestion we then had the election of seven members as a board of directors, which was elected by secret ballot.  Those elected were, Hirom Holsford, President, J. Robert Hood, Vice President, Bob Belew, Secretary and E. I. Elder, Treasury.


 Upon returning to the meeting we had a nice talk by our President, who gave the club the directors selection of officers, and gave several suggestions to be followed at later meetings, at this time it was discussed as to meeting place, and time, and was the choice of the club to meet each Friday from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. at the Lawrenceburg Hotel Coffee Shop.


Our President then suggested we give our friends from Lewisburg and Pulaski a rising vote of thanks.  After that the motion was made and carried to adjourn.




August 29, 1947



  Our first meeting after the organization of the club was held at Lawrenceburg Hotel Coffee Shop on the 29th day of August. There was no special business brought before the club, their being just a principle gathering for luncheon at this time, each member seeming to enjoy themselves.


 There was a meeting called by our President of the Directors to be held September 2nd.



September 2, 1947


  There was a meeting held at the Blue and White Diner, all of the directors were present with the exception of G. A. Dugger, and the following committies were appointed: Club Service- Boss Hollander, Chairman; appointed to serve under Boss were Harry Berman, Program, Charles Freemon, Attendance, Harold Nance, Fellowship, Poke Hickman, Classification, Ben Smith, Membership, Wilson Warren, rotary Information. Dr. A. G. Buckner was elected chairman of International Service. On Community Service were appointed Floyd Bloom as chairman, Mack Rutherford, Youth, Wendell Coffey, Boy Scout, John Craft. Rual Ervan Work, W. O. Crowder, Cripple Children and Ladd Gladish, Trafic Safety.



September 5, 1947



We had our regular meeting Friday at noon at Hotel Coffee Shop on September 5th


The only business brought before the club was the reading of the committies of their assignments and positions on the committies and their were some discussion in general on Rotary, that day having present four Rotarians from Pulaski club.


Meeting was adjourned with a request from our President that the Directors meeting in his office the following Tuesday night, September 9th. 




September 9, 1947



We had a special meeting September 9th at Hiram Holtsford’s office to make plans for Charter night, their being present to help in the discussion and the arrangements, Nat Raney and Robert Laten from Ardmore.


The date set for Charter night was September 25th and all plans were formed in this meeting. We then adjourned.




September 12, 1947



We had our regular meeting at the regular place with good attendance, including two visitors from Pulaski, J. D. Coffman, Jr., and Arney Curry.


We had some talk about our charter night. Some plans were made and others changed. After a nice talk by J. D. Coffman, Jr., the alarm clock went off and the meeting adjourned.



September 19, 1947



We had our regular meeting at the same place, attended by one visitor from Pulaski, of whom I have forgotten his name, but who gave us a nice talk and congratulated us very highly upon the organization of our club.


There were some discussion as to Charter night but very few changes were made in the present plans.


After some nice talks from various ones and open discussion by the group, the meeting was adjourned.



September 25, 1947



Charter Night



This meeting was held at Lawrenceburg Gymnasium, their being present approximately two hundred including our own club.



The program came off as was planned in the future meetings without slip-ups at all.


We had the following program which was far above spectation:





Call to Order................................. Joe Gordon

President, Lewisburg Rotary Club


Singing led by............................ Jimmie Gearish

Accompanied by Mrs. Gearish at the piano



Invocation......................... Rev. Stuart H. Salmon




Special Piano Music..................... Roy Gene Frazier


Welcome to Guests                       Dr. A. G. Buckner


Introduction of Guests and Visiting Rotarians  ............................................Bruce Farley

President Pulaski Rotary Club



Address–"Rotary Encircles the Globe"..Will R. Manier, Jr.

Past President of Rotary International



Singing Led by............................ Jimmie Gearish


Introduction of District Governor............. Nat Rainey


Address and Presentation of Charter...... Mort Greenstone

District Governor



Acceptance and Response                Hiram W. Holtsford


Presentation of Gifts


   In addition the the stated program we had talks by Bob McBride and several other gentlemen from other clubs of which was enjoyed by all.


   In the presentation of gifts present to Lawrenceburg club as follows:


The Nashville club representated by its president, Joe B. Sills, presented the club with a beautiful American flag. Next Joe Gordon from Lewisburg club presented the club with a Gong then David Wade, representing Pulaski, presented the club with pens for each member of the club and his address was excellent.


At this time the meeting was adjourned by Joe Gordon as master of ceremony.

Rotary Weekly Bulletin
Years of Service